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South Africans in Germany

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South African Recipes

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German Cuisine and Recipes

Many will describe German food as hearty, heavy and unrefined. Comfort food comes to mind, as many dishes are based on starch. But I think

Making your own Biltong

Making your own Biltong

There are many recipes and tips on the internet on how to make your own biltong.We want to share some basics here as well as some tips from our FB members You will need the following: Suitable Meat Spices and vinegar Suitable place to hang the meat to dry  Step 1 – Buy suitable meat The best cuts are sirloin or fillet.In Germany you can ask for Silverside( Tafelstück or Tafelspitz) or Topside (Schale) .You

Cooking and baking substitutes

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German meat cuts are different from those in South Africa. South Africa tends to follow the British way of cutting meat.Below is a explanation of the


Rewe has a very good page about seafood. Where to buy fish and seafood If  you would like to buy seafood or fish online try

Substitutes and Food Info

There are countless South African products that can be conveniently purchased online today. In those rare instances where you can’t find what you’re looking for

Substitutes – Drinks

Looking for Milo, Horlicks, Frisco, Ricoffy or Lime Cordial?  We compiled a searchable list of substitutes for some of the popular hot and cold drinks

Substitutes – Other Products

Here is a list of substitutes and translations for general food and kitchen items like cling film, maize meal, custard and biscuits    Related content

Frozen products

Here is a list of suggestions for ready-made pasty (dough) products and some translations. Related content Inspiration

Baking ingredients

For all of the passionate bakers out there! We have thoughtfully compiled a comprehensive list of alternative ingredient options that can be used for baking

Types of Sugars

Here is a list of suggestions for types of sugars, as well as some translations. Related content

You can use the search function to search for ingredients you need to find substitutes for.

One of the things to keep in mind is that the baking powder in Germany is single-acting. The baking powder in South Africa is double acting.

Bran is called die Kleie and can be bought in supermarkets.

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