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Einbürgerungstest and Leben in Deutschland

Leben in Deutschland

The Leben in Deutschland tests your knowledge of the legal and social order and the living conditions in Germany. If you apply for Permanent residence, you must use the test to demonstrate knowledge of Germany’s legal and social system and living conditions. You do not necessarily need to attend the course to write the tests.
You need a minimum of Level A2 to B1 to understand the test questions.


The Einbürgerungstest tests your knowledge of the legal and social order and the living conditions in Germany. If you apply for German citizenship, you must use the test to demonstrate knowledge of the legal and social system and living conditions in Germany. You need a minimum of Level B1 to understand the questions.

Note – Some indications are that you need to have certificates for both tests to apply for your Citizenship. Please confirm this with your local Ausländerbehörde. It is advisable that you schedule an “Information” session with your local authority before submitting your application

Where do I register for the tests

You can contact your local foreigners office (Ausländerbehörde) or register at the local VHS. 

How do I prepare for the tests

The official list of possible questions (310) is available as a download on the BAMF website.
The above link is for the Einbürgerungstest and Leben in Deutschland questions. The list of questions is the same for both tests, but for Leben in Deutschland you will get Klasse 1 questions and for the Einbürgerungstest you will get Klasse 2 questions. There is no way of knowing which questions are Klasse 1 or Klasse 2, so you need to know all of them.

You can enrol for the “Leben in Deutschland” course at the VHS, and write the “Test zum Orientierungskurs Leben in Deutschland“ exam. This test is needed for permanent residence in Germany.
There is no course requirement for the 
Einbürgerungstest, but if you would like to enrol for a course, consider the Leben in Deutschland option, or contact the VHS or Ausländerbehörde.

Apps and websites

Personal reccomendations:
I wrote the Einbürgerungstests in October at the VHS in Stuttgart. I used the EiInbürgerungstest (2023) app to practise the questions. It has the option to do all 310 questions, and you can mark questions as difficult so that you can review them. I also used the  Einbürgerungs Trainer app which explains the learning material very well. I finished and checked the test in 5 minutes and believe I was well prepared. I am still waiting for my results, this is currently taking about 3 months. The test was written on paper and was nog in digital format.

What to expect during the test

During the exam you will receive a test booklet with 33 questions. You have 60 minutes to answer the questions. Each question requires you to choose the correct answer from four possible answers.
If you answer at least 17 questions correctly, you have passed the test. You will then receive a certificate of your personal test result from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

30 questions belong to the subject areas “Life in a democracy”, “History and responsibility” as well as “People and society”.
Three test questions are asked about the federal state in which you are registered as your primary residence for example Baden-Württemberg

Info on the internet

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Ways of obtaining German citizenship

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