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Germany month by month

We created a page for each month so you can find out what food is in season, what public holidays and festivals you can look forward to and information about the weather. 

If you want to read more about the weather conditions, check out our Weather in Germany page

July 2024

July Most people in Germany take their summer holidays in either July, August or September.For most Germans, Spain is the number one summer holiday destination, with Mallorca being the most popular island to visit. Greece and Italy are also highly sought-after locations, with their beautiful beaches and rich history. Another great summer

June 2024

The beginning of Summer and the longest day of the year will be on 20 June. This is a special day that marks the peak of sunlight and is celebrated by many cultures around the world. In Berlin, the sun will rise at 04:43 and set at 21:33, giving us

May 2024

In May, we celebrate the changing of the seasons. The sun is shining and it is much warmer during the day. The days are longer and people are enjoying beer and “gemütlichkeit” in the beer gardens. On the 1st of May (Mayday and also Tag der Arbeit), in most small towns, people

April 2024

April April in Germany is a beautiful month with the arrival of spring. The weather starts to warm up, trees and flowers begin to bloom, and outdoor cafes and beer gardens start to open up. It’s a great time to explore the country’s picturesque landscapes, visit local markets, and enjoy

March 2024

Spring is finally here, but let’s not get overly excited, as temperatures will still take a few weeks to rise.Although the trees will only begin to bloom in  April, nature blesses us with the most beautiful flowers, like the cheerful Crocus, the elegant Narcissus and the stunning Tulips. These flowers can be seen

February 2024

February February is a month of great importance as it is known for love. This event is celebrated with great vigour and passion in South Africa, where lovebirds often exchange gifts, plan special surprises, and indulge in delicious, romantic dinners. However, it is not celebrated with the same intensity in

Image by kinkate from Pixabay

January 2024

The holiday season is filled with excitement and joy, but once the festivities have ended and the New Year has begun , it can feel like a tad quiet and dull. Don’t let the dreariness of January bring you down! Take this time to rejuvenate your mind and body by

October 2023

October October in Germany can still be mild and sunny, it is then referred to as a Goldener Oktober.The leaves are turning yellow, red, orange and brown. It is the perfect time to take beautiful nature photos.If you are interested in wine, take a drive on the German wine route, which is

September 2023

Ah, September is such a beautiful time of year in Germany! As the leaves begin to change colour and the air starts to feel crisp and refreshing, it’s a gentle reminder that the summer season is winding down and making way for autumn. The start of autumn brings with it

August 2024

August For many, August is synonymous with holidays, especially in Europe, where it is the peak vacation season.If you’re still looking to snag a last-minute getaway, you might try browsing holiday deal websites like Secret Escapes and Last Minute. These websites offer a wide range of options to suit any

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