There are many recipes and tips on the internet on how to make your biltong.
We want to share some basics here as well as some tips from our FB members
You will need the following:
- Suitable Meat
- Spices and vinegar
- Suitable place to hang the meat to dry
Step 1 – Buy suitable meat
The best cuts are sirloin or fillet.
In Germany you can ask for Silverside( Tafelstück or Tafelspitz) or Topside (Schale) .
You can get more information about the German cuts here.
Step 2 – Prepare your meat
Remove excess fat, but leave some fat for extra flavour.
Don’t cut the slices too thick or they will take too long to dry.
Roughly 20cm in length and 1cm in thickness is ideal.
Remove any gristle/sinew.
Step 3 – Baste and Season
This is a very basic recipe, some add Worcestershire sauce to the vinegar and sugar to the spices.
Below are some links to other recipes.
- 1/3 Salt
- 1/3 Pepper
- 1/3 Coriander
- Brown Vinegar
- Place the meat in a sealable container.
- Marinate the meat for at least 3 hours in the Fridge
- Pat the meat dry and cover with the seasoning.
- Let it stand for at least an hour, then hook and hang it to dry
Step 4 – Drying
The weather conditions in Germany are not optimal for dry biltong and you will therefore have to either build or buy your own dryer.
You can find easy instructions on how to make a Biltong box from Ben Kruger’s YouTube channel
It is important that your meat is well aired and that it does not touch against each other.
Space your meat well
Resources on the Internet:
Biltong spices
The following shops sells Biltong spices

We carefully select unique and quality products from the Cape region of South Africa and make these available in the EU market. Our current product range include: Funky Ouma spices, Prince Albert Olive Oil Kleinbergskloof Olive Oil

Lemon Pepper Kompanie
As long-time South Africa fans, we started with passion to import original South African spices in high quality directly from Durban. We now have a large fan base in Germany, Switzerland and Austria – including many South Africans. In addition, we have successfully offered South African braai courses for several years. Unique spice creations such as real

Saffa Shop
A variety of South African products Home made biltong, boerewors, droëwors and chilli bites. Lamb chops. Maize Meal and Samp Maltabella, Jungle Oats, Kreemymeelm and ProNutro Rooibos, Five Roses, Ricoffy, Frisco and Milo Alcoholic drinks like Klipdrift Brandy, JC le Roux, Sedgwick’s Old Brown, Savanna, Hunter’s, Lion Lager and many more Seasonal – Gem Squash Home made

Die Spens
Die Spens shop is situated next to the A1 in Amersfoort, easily reachable from all over The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Come and have a look at all the well known South African favourites, like Mrs Balls Chutney, Sparletta Creme Soda, Simba Ghost Pops, Ouma Rusks, Koo Sweetcorn, Iwisa Maize Meal, Robertsons spices, to name a few.
The following shops sells Biltong

Gunii Products
We all long for a taste of home and Gunii offers top-quality Biltong, Droewors and other products the way you remember it. (Online Store Only)

Christys Küche
Hi, I’m Christy, a South African living in Düsseldorf since 2018. Prior to leaving SA, I ran my own catering business. I also had my own restaurant, KOMBUIS in Melville, which specialised in

Kiefer Cuisine
At Kiefer, it is important to us to bring the authentic taste of South African gourmet biltong to the German community. After living in South Africa for over 30 years, Stefan has developed a

Runder Biltong
Runder Biltong is a young owner-run company, based on the outskirts of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Owners Kyle and Wesley, a South African and Dutch duo have been in operation for 2 years now and

Mopani Braai
South African meat and sausage specialities made in Germany My motto in life is “Love goes through ones stomach”. I plan to devote more time to making a difference and let love go through

Saffa Shop
A variety of South African products Home made biltong, boerewors, droëwors and chilli bites. Lamb chops. Maize Meal and Samp Maltabella, Jungle Oats, Kreemymeelm and ProNutro Rooibos, Five Roses, Ricoffy, Frisco and Milo Alcoholic

INDLU design store
Herzlich Willkommen im INDLU design store !!! Bei uns findest Du modernes und einzigartiges Design überwiegend aus Südafrika und anderen afrikanischen Ländern für Dein Zuhause, zum Tragen und zum Verschenken. Lerne die Vielfalt und

Die Spens
Die Spens shop is situated next to the A1 in Amersfoort, easily reachable from all over The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Come and have a look at all the well known South African favourites,
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