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South Africans in Germany

Rewe has a very good page about seafood.

Where to buy fish and seafood

If  you would like to buy seafood or fish online try the following online shops:


Here is a list of translations and some additional information about fish in Germany.

ProductSubstitute & Translation
“Sardine” and “pilchard” are common names used to refer to various small, oily forage fish in the herring family Clupeidae. – Wikipedia. Herring also belongs to this family
Sardellen is smaller than Sardinen (Pilchards). They are not longer than 20 cm.
When they are found in salty or sweet-sour lakes they are called Anchovies in Europe

AnchoviesAnchovis or Sardellen that are found in salty or sweet-sour lakes are called Anchovies in Europe
SalmonDer Lachs
MackerelDie Makrele
DoradoDer Schwertfisch
SoleDie Seezunge
HakeDer Seehecht or Der Hechdorsch
Cape horse mackerel Die Bastard- oder Holzmakrele (Trachurus trachurus), auch Stöcker oder Suri genannt
Cod/KabeljouDorsch – young fish from the Ostsee
Kabeljau – older fish around 60cm long and from the Nordsee
Fish FingersDie Fishstäbchen
SeafoodDie Meeresfrüchte
MusselsDie Miesmuschel
ScallopsDie Jakobsmuschel
ClamsVenusmuscheln or Vongole
CrayfishDie Flusskrebse or Die Langusten
LangoustinesDie Langusten
King prawnsDie Hummerkrabben or Die Riesengarnelen
PrawnsDie Garnalen.
ShrimpsTiefseegarnalen or Grönlandshrimps or just shrimps or Nordseekrabbe
LobsterDas Hummer
Calamari/SquidDer Tintenfish or Die Calamares. Fried Calamari is Frittierter Tintenfish
OystersDie Austern
CrabDie Krabben

Attention all meat lovers! We have a comprehensive page that is dedicated to providing you with all the information you need about the different cuts of meat in Germany.


German meat cuts are different from those in South Africa. South Africa tends to follow the British way of cutting meat.Below is a explanation of the

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