Here is a short introduction to the structure of sentences. It will help you understand what is the difference between a subject, object, preposition, verb and articles
English | German | Description | Examples |
Article | Artikel | Comes before a noun | Definite (Bestimmte) – The (Die Der Das) Indefinite (Unbestimmte) – a/an (Ein, Eine, Einen..) |
Noun | Nomen | A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea | Car, house, girl Always capitalised in German Auto, Haus |
Subject | Subjekt | Noun – The person or thing doing something | |
Object | Objekt | Noun – Having something done to it | |
Direct (Akkusativ) | The direct object is the receiver of the action A direct object answers the question “what?” or “who?” In German Wen? |
Indirect (Dativ) | An indirect object answers the question “to whom?”, “for whom?” In German Wem? |
Pronouns | Pronomen | A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. | I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody |
Possessive Pronouns | Possessivpronomen | Words we use to show possession. | Mine, yours, his |
Verb | Verb | Action | Eat, love, paint, write |
Adjective | Adjektiv | Describes the Noun or Pronoun | Blue , big, clean, old. The young boy plays outside |
Adverb | Adverb | An adverb describes a verb or anything apart from a noun and pronoun. How? When? How much? How often? E.g. how does the boy sing | The boy sings loudly |
Prepositions | Präpositionen | A preposition is a word or set of words that indicates location | In, near, beside, on top of, behind. with |
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