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Streaming South African content

Your best option to legally watch South African products is to get a subscription to Showmax or Netflix. 

Showmax Unfortunately Showmax will only be available outside of South Africa until 1 December 2023. We will keep you updated if there are any alternatives
Netflix You might find some South African content

VPNs and  DStv

Although it is possible to watch DStv in Germany, it is not recommended.
Please read the warning below. If you have to use a VPN to watch something you can be pretty sure it was not licenced in Germany.

Watching sports

2024 Rugby Fixtures The 2024 Springboks rugby fixtures courtesy of Autumn Internationals The Autumn Internationals will be showing on ProSieben MAXX and Ran Watching your favourite sports on Television can be a challenge in Germany.  Using a VPN to watch the games on DSTV is very tempting, but we strongly advise against it. Germany has stringent copyright laws.Do not violate copyright laws by illegally downloading

Television Licenses

Television Licence (der Rundfunkbeitrag/GEZ-Gebühr) The first thing you are likely to get in your new mailbox after registering at the Bürgeramt is a reminder to pay your TV & radio broadcasting fees. The 2024 fees are €18.36 per month and can be paid quarterly  (€55.08) or €220.32 per yearThe fee is mandatory.  Every household in Germany has to pay the fee even if you do not own


VPN’s are legal in Germany, but infringing on copyright and accessing content that should not be available can result in legal action. Copyrights are governed by GEMA – “The Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte (GEMA; English: Society for musical performing and mechanical reproduction rights) is a government-mandated collecting society and performance rights organization based in Germany.”
This means if you want to watch a South African program but it has no license to air in Germany, and GEMA does not earn their fees, it would be considered illegal.

Info on the web

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Internet TV and mobile

Internet, mobile and television packages are usually sold as a bundle. Fibre is available in most big cities but not in remote towns.  Legal After registering

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