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Working in Germany

Everything you need to know about finding work in Germany, what your resume must look like,  recognition of studies, vocational careers, medical, pension and taxes.

When it comes to working in Germany, one must be aware of the various types of employment visas available. These visas can range from temporary to permanent, and may differ in eligibility requirements depending on your specific circumstances. 

New Skilled immigration Act – Changes will be implemented in phases, in November 2023, March 2024 and June 2024. 
Detail about the changes can be found on the Make it in Germany website

Here is a link to the official Information about the Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz (Skilled Immigration Act). Currently it is only available in German.
The latest information in English can be found Anerkennung-in-deutschland website  and Make it in Germany website

Types of Employment Visas

According to the German Embassy in South Africa, you can apply for the following types of Long Stay visas, if you want to work in Germany: 

Type of Visa Additional Info Make it in Germany link Residence Act
Blue Card University degree and minimum salary per year.
It has more benefits than other employment visas
 EU-Blue Card  
Skilled worker holding a University degree   Work visa for qualified professionals Section 18b of the Residence Act (AufenthG)  if holding a university degree
IT specialist with professional experience   – Visa for IT professionals
– IT Specialist in Germany
Section 18a or 18b of the Residence Act (AufenthG)  for skilled workers with a vocational training qualifications
Research      Section 18d-f of the Residence Act (AufenthG)  Temporary residence permit for mobile researchers
  – Work visa for qualified professionals.
– Craftspeople and Trade
Section 18a of the Residence Act (AufenthG)  for skilled workers with a vocational training qualifications
Work in case of partial recognition of qualification    Visa for recognition of foreign qualifications Section 16d of the Residence Act (AufenthG)  Measures regarding the recognition of foreign professional qualifications
Crew Members or River Cruise Vessels      
ICT Card for intra-corporate transferees      Section 19 of the Residence Act (AufenthG)  Measures regarding the recognition of foreign professional qualifications

Professions in demand

The list of in-demand professions is updated regularly. To see the current list, visit the Make it in Germany website from the Federal Government.

Visa and Residence

Temp Aufenthalt

Residence in Germany

A Visa allows you to enter Germany, and stay for no more than 90 days in a 180-day cycle.When you want to stay in Germany

Visa application tips

We are not immigration agents, and your first point of contact should always be the German embassy or consulate in South Africa.Most of the information

Family Reunification Visa

“German citizens or citizens from non-EU countries who have an Aufenthaltserlaubnis (residence permit) or a Niederlassungserlaubnis (settlement permit) are allowed to bring their relatives to

List of Long Stay Visas

Long Term visas are seen as visits longer than 90 days and will typically be for work or study visits. If your application is approved,


Vocational Careers

This page is under construction, we are adding the new rules New Skilled immigration Act – Changes coming in November 2023 and March 2024. The

Recognition of studies

Depending on the situation, it might be necessary to have either your Matric/Grade 12 or South African degree or other qualifications and experience formally recognised

Curriculum Vitae and Resume

It is important to have your CV or Resume in the correct format. In Germany the prefer a Resume for job applications. CV –  a

Career coaching

Career coaching or counselling is professional advice and support to help you manage your education and career. This could be in the form of workshops,


In todays connected world it is important to manage your online professional identity. Many companies find potential staff via professional networks like LinkedIn, and they

Study in Germany

Types of learning institutions Hochschule is the name for higher education. Under this, you can get the following institutions.  Fachhochschule – University of applied sciences. 


You can set up your own business in two ways, one is to work as a freelancer or as a self-employed entrepreneur (Gewerbe). 
If you want to work as a freelancer in Germany, you will need to apply for a Residence permit for the purpose of freelance employment.
Freelance occupations can be practised for so-called Liberal professions (Freie Berufe) and can include artists, writers, language teachers, engineers, auditors, interpreters, Business or management consultants, architects, translators, and surveyors.
Healthcare workers like doctors, dentists, vets and physiotherapists also fall under liberal professions.



Health Insurance in Germany: A Guide for South Africans In Germany, everyone must have health insurance. This means when you move to Germany, this is

Sozialversicherung / Social Insurance

The following Social Insurances are payable in Germany when you are a full-time employee or trainee: Krankenvesicherung / Medical Insurance Plegeversicherung / Long Term care

Income Tax / Lohnsteuer

We receive a lot of questions about income tax declarations and where to get help, especially getting help in English.First I have to state that


Homepage of the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Pensions in Germany The German state pension scheme provides valuable resources and services to help you navigate retirement planning. Foreign