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Traditional South African Christmas Recipes – Cookies


  1. 180 g botter
  2. 200g strooisuiker
  3. 10ml
  4. 1 eier
  5. 240g koekmeel
  6. 2.5ml bakpoeier
  7. 2.5ml sout
  1. Voorverhit oond tot 180° Celsius
  2. Voer n baklplaat uit met bakpapier
  3. Verroom die botter en suiker saam tot lig en donsig
  4. Voeg die eier en vanieljegeursel by en klits tot goed gemeng
  5. Voeg die droe bestandele by (Koekmeel, bakpoeier en sout)
  6. Meng goed deur
  7. Maak balletjies, sit op bakplaat en druk plat met vurk 

Ginger Biscuits

  1. 125 ml Butter
  2. 1 Egg
  3. 250 ml Sugar
  4. 5 ml Baking Soda
  5. 35ml Milk
  6. 125 ml Golden Syrup
  7. 750 ml Cake Flour
  8. 15 ml Ground Ginger
  9. 2 ml Salt
  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and grease the baking sheet. 
  2. Melt the butter and stir in the golden syrup.
  3. Allow butter and syrup mixture to cool.
  4. Beat in the egg.
  5. Sift the dry ingredients together and stir alternately with the milk in the syrup mixture.
  6. Refrigerate thoroughly until stiff enough to form.
  7. Form small balls and place them on the baking sheet.
  8. Press them slightly flat with a fork.
  9.  Bake for about 10 minutes until lightly browned.

From “Onthou jy nog” by Anna Eksteen


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