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Public Holidays, School Terms and Observations

Public holidays provide great opportunities to maximize your leave days.
With a little planning, you can extend your time off work or plan a longer trip without sacrificing too many days off.
We have some suggestions to help you optimize your leave days

  • January:  Take 4 Leave days from 2 – 5 Jan and enjoy 9 Days off (30.12- 7.01)
  • March: Take 4 Leave days from 4 – 7 March and enjoy 9 Days off (2 – 10) – only for Berlin and MV
  • Easter: Take 4 Leave days from 2 – 5 April and enjoy 10 Days off (29.03 – 07.04)
  • May: Take 8 Leave days from 29 April – 10 May and enjoy 16 Days off (27.04 – 12.05)
  • Pfingsten: Take 8 Leave days from 21 – 31 May and enjoy 16 Days off (18.05. – 02.06) Fronleichnam (30.05) only for BW, BY, HE, NW, RP, SL
  • October: Take 4 Leave days from 30 Sept – 4 Oct and enjoy 9 Days off (28.09 – 6.10)
  • December:
    Take 7 Leave days from 23 Dec – 3 Jan and enjoy 17 Days off (21.12 – 07.01)
    Take 11 Leave days from 23 Dec – 10 Jan and enjoy 23 Days off (21.12 – 13.01)

School holidays 2024

BundeslandWeihnachtsferien (23/24)WinterferienOsterferienPfingstferienSommerferienHerbstferienWeihnachtsferien
Baden-Württemberg23.12 – 05.0123.03 – 05.0421.05 – 31.0525.07 – 07.0928.10 – 30.10, 31.1023.12 – 04.01
Bayern23.12 – 05.0112.02 – 16.0225.03 – 06.0421.05 – 01.0629.07 – 09.0928.10 – 31.10, 20.1123.12 – 03.01
Berlin23.12 – 05.0105.02 – 10.0225.03 – 05.0410.0518.07 – 30.0804.10, 21.10 – 02.1123.12 – 31.12
Brandenburg23.12 – 05.0105.02 – 09.0225.03 – 05.0418.07 – 31.0804.10, 21.10 – 02.1123.12 – 31.12
Bremen23.12 – 05.0101.02 – 02.0218.03 – 02.0410.05, 21.0524.06 – 02.0804.10 – 19.10, 01.1123.12 – 04.01
Hamburg22.12 – 05.0102.0218.03 – 28.0310.05, 21.05 – 24.0518.07 – 28.0804.10, 21.10 – 01.1120.12 – 03.01
Hessen27.12 – 13.0125.03 – 13.0415.07 – 23.0814.10 – 25.1023.12 – 10.01
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern21.12 – 03.0105.02 – 16.0225.03 – 03.0410.05, 17.05 – 21.0522.07 – 31.0804.10, 21.10 – 26.10, 01.1123.12 – 06.01
Niedersachsen27.12 – 05.0101.02 – 02.0218.03 – 28.0310.05, 21.0524.06 – 02.0804.10 – 19.10, 01.1123.12 – 04.01
Nordrhein-Westfalen21.12 – 05.0125.03 – 06.0421.0508.07 – 20.0814.10 – 26.1023.12 – 06.01
Rheinland-Pfalz27.12 – 05.0125.03 – 02.0421.05 – 29.0515.07 – 23.0814.10 – 25.1023.12 – 08.01
Saarland21.12 – 02.0112.02 – 16.0225.03 – 05.0421.05 – 24.0515.07 – 23.0814.10 – 25.1023.12 – 03.01
Sachsen23.12 – 02.0112.02 – 23.0228.03 – 05.0410.05, 18.05 – 21.0520.06 – 02.0807.10 – 19.1023.12 – 03.01
Sachsen-Anhalt21.12 – 03.0105.02 – 10.0225.03 – 30.0321.05 – 24.0524.06 – 03.0830.09 – 12.10, 01.1123.12 – 04.01
Schleswig-Holstein27.12 – 06.0102.04 – 19.0410.05 – 11.0522.07 – 31.0804.10, 21.10 – 01.1119.12 – 07.01
Thüringen22.12 – 05.0112.02 – 16.0225.03 – 06.0410.0520.06 – 31.0730.09 – 12.1023.12 – 03.01

Public holidays 2024

DateDayHolidayGerman NameStates
01.01.2024MonNew Year’s DayNeujahrALL
06.01.2024SatEpiphanyHeilige Drei KönigeBW, BY, ST
08.03.2024FriInternational Women’s DayInternationaler FrauentagBE, MV
29.03.2024FriGood FridayKarfreitagALL
31.03.2024SunEaster SundayOstersonntagBrandenburg
01.04.2024MonEaster MondayOstermontagALL
01.05.2024WedLabour DayTag der ArbeitALL
09.05.2024ThuAscension DayChristi HimmelfahrtALL
19.05.2024SunWhit SundayPfingstsonntagBrandenburg
20.05.2024MonWhit MondayPfingstmontagALL
30.05.2024ThuCorpus ChristiFronleichnamBW, BY, HE, NW, RP, SL, SN, TH
15.08.2024ThuAssumption DayMariä Himmelfahrt BY, SL
20.09.2024FriChildren’s DayWeltkindertagThüringen
03.10.2024ThuDay of German UnityTag der Deutschen EinheitNational
31.10.2024ThuReformation DayReformationstag BB, HH, MV, NI, SH, SN, ST,TH
01.11.2024FriAll Saints’ DayAllerheiligenBW, BY, NW, RP, SL
20.11.2024WedRepentance DayBuß- und BettagSachsen
25.12.2024WedChristmas Day1. WeihnachtsfeiertagALL
26.12.2024Thu2nd Day of Christmas2. WeihnachtsfeiertagALL

Federal States

BW: Baden-Württemberg
BY: Bayern
BE: Berlin
BB: Brandenburg
HB: Bremen
HH: Hamburg
HE: Hessen
MV: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
NI: Niedersachsen
NW: Nordrhein-Westfalen

RP: Rheinland-Pfalz
SL: Saarland
SN: Sachsen
ST: Sachsen-Anhalt
SH: Schleswig-Holstein
SN: Sachsen
ST: Sachsen-Anhalt
SH: Schleswig-Holstein

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