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South Africans in Germany


October in Germany can still be mild and sunny, it is then referred to as a Goldener Oktober.
The leaves are turning yellow, red, orange and brown. It is the perfect time to take beautiful nature photos.
If you are interested in wine, take a drive on the German wine route, which is the oldest scenic drive in Germany. You can find more information here.
A boat ride along one of the large rivers, such as the Rhine or the Neckar, will reward you with spectacular autumn vineyard views.
It is also a good time to go hiking, just make sure you have the correct clothing and shoes.
If it is getting too cold outside to do sport, try some of the indoor sports, such as indoor soccer, squash, badminton (das Federballspiel), volleyball, handball or ice skating.

TimeCentral European Time (CET), summer time, same as in South Africa.
From 29 October 03:00 am, it will be winter time and the clocks are turned back one hour.

The temperatures average between 5.9 °C and 13.2 °C.
It could be warmer or colder, depending on the location.
When the temperatures are mild and sunny, it is called a “Goldener Oktober“.
The average daily sunshine is 3.7 hours.

Plan your month

everything you need to know


The most famous festival in Germany, the Oktoberfest in Munich, starts on 16 September. Another great beer fest to visit is the Cannstatter Volksfest in Stuttgart from 22 September  Similar festivals will be celebrated all over Germany. You can search for Oktoberfest and your town to find the one closest to you.
Autumn is also the time for  wine festivals.
If you love Pumpkins, head out to Ludwigsburg for the biggest Pumpkin festival in the world. It will run from 25 August until 3 December 2023

Farmers across the region will start harvesting. This is celebrated with traditional harvest festivals or “Erntedankfest”, which is celebrated with church services and processions on the last Sunday of September or the first Sunday of October.


Public Holidays
Tag der Deutschen Einheit / German Unity Day03. OctoberGerman Unity DayAll
Reformation Day31 OctoberReformation DayBrandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg,
Nierdersachsen, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt,
Schl-Holstein, Thüringen
ErntedankfestFirst Sunday in OctoberErntedankfestAll
School Holidays and Terms
Autumn HolidaysShool Holidays 2023

Events listed on our website

Bok van Blerk & Riaan Benade 17.10

17/10/2024 @ 8:00 pm – 11:45 pm – Welcome, music lovers, to an evening dedicated to the unforgettable sounds of Riaan Benade and Bok van Blerk. From the vast plains of South Africa, these two extraordinary artists come together to enchant us with their unique voices and enchanting melodies. These artists enjoy world fame in their home country, so prepare yourself for an […]

Some foods and drinks to try


Savoy Cabage

Savoy cabbage (der Wirsing) is a versatile and delicious vegetable that can add depth and flavour to a wide variety of dishes. 
In many restaurants, you will find Rahm-Wirsing as a side dish. Here are some of the recipes for you to try.


Black Salsify

There are many hidden gems in the world of seasonal vegetables, and the Black Salsify, also known as scorzonera, is definitely one of them. Although not as well-known as some other vegetables, like broccoli or carrots, Black Salsify offers a unique flavor and texture that is sure to impress those who are willing to try it. In fact, it is so special that in Germany, it is known as “die Schwarzwurzel“. If you’re looking to expand your culinary horizons and try something new, Black Salsify is definitely worth considering. 



During the autumn season, the markets and farms are vibrant with an abundant variety of squashes and pumpkins waiting to be discovered and savored. Don’t miss out on the chance to explore the many shapes and sizes of these delicious vegetables. Some of the popular types of squashes and pumpkins include butternut, acorn, spaghetti, kabocha, and sugar pumpkins.

More information about the varieties of squashes and pumpkins.
Try a hearty pumpkin soup with pumpkin seed oil or Stuffed Hokkaido Pumpkin.



Are you feeling cold? Do you want to warm up and feel cosy? Well, there’s nothing better than some delicious and hearty food to make you feel warm both inside and out. You should definitely try deer goulash (das Hirschgulasch), which is a savoury and rich stew made with tender pieces of deer meat and served with red cabbage.



The breweries in Munich prepare a special Festbier for the Oktoberfest. Up until 1970 it used to be a Märzen bier but was replaced by a much lighter lager. 
The difference between Festbier and Märzen. 
More information about Marzën Bier

Fruit and Veggies in Season


Autumnder Herbst
Autumn leavesdie Herbstblätter
Savoy Cabbagedie Wirsing
Black Salsifydie Schwarzwurzel
Pumpkinder Kürbis
Pumpkin seed oilDas Kürbiskernöl
Applesdie Äpfel
Turnipsdie Steckrüben
Quincesdie Quitten
Elderberriesdie Holunderbeeren
Wintertime changeoverdie Winterzeitumstellung


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