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South Africans in Germany

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Life in Germany


Most people in Germany take their summer holidays in either July, August or September.
For most Germans, Spain is the number one summer holiday destination, with Mallorca being the most popular island to visit. Greece and Italy are also highly sought-after locations, with their beautiful beaches and rich history. Another great summer holiday destination is Malta, where they speak English and offer a unique blend of European and North African cultures.
If you’re looking to stay closer to home, there are plenty of amazing travel destinations within Germany to choose from. The Ostsee, NordseeSylt, and Lake Constance are just a few of the top-rated destinations that offer beautiful scenery, cultural attractions, and outdoor activities for the whole family to enjoy. 

Tourist accommodation types

Germany, known for its rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities, offers a diverse range of accommodation options to suit every traveler’s needs. Here’s a guide to some

Travel in the Schengen Area

Travel within the Schengen Area “The Schengen Area is a zone comprised of 29 European states which have officially abolished passports and other types of border control at their mutual

The weather is perfect for outdoor activities and al fresco dining. The Germans calls a braai grilling, and they like to grill sausages, vegetables, and even cheese.  There are some rules around braaing at your home and also for doing it in a public space.

Grilling in public

When you do not have braai facilities at home or want to have more space while meeting your friends for a braai, you can use the grills/fireplaces at a

Braai Season

Summer is finally here and it is time to invite friends to kuier around the braai.  But before you light your charcoal, check out the rules and regulations that

In summer, public swimming facilities (Freibad) will be open to visitors. Other options are to swim at a beach, a Baggersee or a lake.
You can find a list of all the lakes (der See/Seen) in Germany on this website.
Other outdoor activities that are very popular during summer are hiking and biking. There are many websites and apps available with easy-to-follow routes.

Most fruit trees will be heavy with fruit by now. In Germany, there are rules about when you are allowed to pick fruit from trees that do not belong to you. The general rule is that if the trees belong to a fruit farmer you are not allowed to pick the fruit, if the trees do not belong to a fruit farmer, then you can pick fruit for your own use.
For each Bundesland, there might be different rules. Here is a short article about it (in German).
Websites with more information on where you can go pick fruit, also from farmers,  are Mundraub and,

TimeCentral European Time (CET), Summertime – the same time as South Africa until the last Sunday of October, when Wintertime starts (30 October 2022).

The average day temperature is 22 degrees Celsius. The days become shorter.
There are still many hours of sunshine.

There might still be some Pollen in the air, have a look at the Pollenkalender here

Plan your month

everything you need to know


The warmer weather and long nights mean that the summer Festivals are in full swing.
Cities come alive with street parades, music, markets, food and enough to drink.

Events listed on our website

Kearsney College Choir

29/06/2024 – 06/07/2024 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm – The renowned Kearsney College Choir and Rainbow Agency, KwaZulu Natal, have the honour to inform you that former Federal President Professor Dr Horst Köhler is the patron of the choir’s concert tour to Germany from 28 June to 6 July 2024. Professor Dr Köhler will attend a concert of his choice. Kearsney College Choir has […]

Trevor Noah Tour – Berlin 01.08

01/08/2024 @ 8:00 pm – 11:45 pm – Trevor Noah Off the Record Tour. The actual time is not published yet, estimated it will be in the evening We are not the organisers of this event it is shared for information purposes only Tickets via the Trevor Noah website – this will take you to the Eventim Website  

Fokofpolisiekar / Die Heuwels Fantasties 12.07

12/07/2024 @ 7:00 pm – 11:45 pm – After a sold-out show in 2023, Fokofpolisiekar is back. This time they bring their friends from Cape Town, Die Heuwels Fantasties, as support. There is no better live combo showcasing the best of African rock and African alternative music than these two acts. It will be energetic, melodic and full of nostalgia as these two […]


21/07/2024 @ 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm – We hope to create a lekker gathering of South Africans living abroad. Food, music, hot sauce, chilli eating competition, drinks, sunshine, good vibes only. Are you joining us? Tickets just went on sale. Early Bird Tickets here:…/sht-hot-fest-amsterdam… All EB tickets include a 10% voucher that can be used on plus an iconic welcome drink […]

SA in Germany – 2 pot retirement presentation

25/07/2024 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Chad Jouber will do a presentation about the new 2 pot retirement rules in South Africa You will then have time to ask him questions If you have any questions you would like to send so long, please send them to It will be a TEAMS meeting, you do not need Teams to participate […]

12/08/2024 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm – From 22 July to 25 August, international award-winning Cape Town-based comedian, award-nominated radio sports broadcaster and podcaster Dalin Oliver will be performing his one-man show “90 Day Comedian” in Europe. Dalin Oliver is heading to The Wall Comedy Club, Grünberger Straße 84, 10245 Berlin, to make his BERLIN debut on 12 August 2024. Tickets on […]

Some foods and drinks to try



Mirabelle plums are sweet and delicious, bursting with flavour that will satisfy your taste buds. Try them as a snack or in culinary creations.


Ice Cream

You will find the best ice-cream at Italian Gelato shops. Do try Spaghetti Eis



Strawberries (Erdbeeren), Red currant berries (Johannisbeeren), Blueberries (Blaubeeren), Gooseberries  (Stachelbeeren) and Cherries (Kirschen) are still in season


Aperol Spritz

Summer Drinks



Another seasonal fruit is the Damask Plum ( Zwetschgen). It is not to be confused with normal plums (Pflaumen). Most bakeries will sell Zwetschgenkuchen or Zwetschgendatschi. Eat it with a big dollop of cream or ice cream. You can also substitute the Zwetschgen for Mirabellen



Rhubarb is a staple ingredient in many popular German recipes, such as rhubarb cake (Rhabarberkuchen) and rhubarb compote (Rhabarberkompott). Its tart flavour complements sweet dishes well, creating a unique and delicious contrast that many people enjoy.

Fruit and Veggies in Season


German Barbecuedas Grillfest
a state or feeling of warmth, friendliness, and good cheer.die Gemütlichkeit
Man-made quarry filled with water

der Baggersee

Lakeder See
Oceandas Meer
Vacationder Urlaub
Tripdie Reise
Accommodationdie Unterkunft
StreuobstwiesenMan-made Orchards and a form of fruit growing that is designed for multiple uses.
The tall trees that are “scattered” in the landscape carry various fruits such as apples, pears, cherries, plums or walnuts.
The meadow can be used as pastureland.


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Swimming in Germany

Swimming options Private swimming pools are not so popular in Germany, but there are good public swimming options available. Public swimming pools / Öffentliche Schimmbäder


The entire cycling scene in Germany took some getting used to when I arrived here. In South Africa its sort of all kitted out serious


Most South Africans love being outside the house. This can sometimes feel like a challenge in Germany, but I have learned very quickly that you

Weather in Germany

German Climate Germany’s climate is temperate and marine, with cold, cloudy winters and warm summers and in the south occasional warm föhn wind. The greater

Embracing Neurodiversity: A New Perspective on the Human Mind

In recent years, the concept of neurodiversity has gained significant attention and acceptance, reshaping our understanding of the human mind. Rooted in the idea that neurological differences are a natural and valuable part of human diversity, neurodiversity challenges the traditional views that pathologize certain neurological conditions. This post explores the essence of neurodiversity, its implications, and how embracing this perspective can create a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Understanding Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity is a term coined in the late 1990s by sociologist Judy Singer. It encompasses a broad range of neurological differences, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and other developmental conditions. Instead of viewing these conditions as deficits or disorders, the neurodiversity paradigm sees them as variations in human functioning.

The neurodiversity movement advocates for recognizing and valuing these differences, much like we do with other forms of diversity, such as ethnicity, gender, and culture. This approach promotes the idea that neurological diversity is essential for the collective creativity, innovation, and problem-solving abilities of humanity.


The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. I am not a medical professional, and the content shared here should not be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment. Your reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk.

Most common conditions

These are just a handful of examples of the conditions that fall under the umbrella of neurodiversity.


A complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges with social communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behavior


Symptoms of ADHD include inattention (not being able to keep focus), hyperactivity (excess movement that is not fitting to the setting) and impulsivity (hasty acts that occur in the moment without thought).


When a person demonstrates significant impairment in one or more of the reading subskills including word reading accuracy, reading rate or fluency, and/or reading comprehension.


Difficulty in performing coordinated movements


Find out more

The Benefits of Neurodiversity

  1. Innovation and Creativity: Diverse ways of thinking can lead to novel solutions and creative ideas. Many individuals with neurological differences possess unique strengths, such as exceptional attention to detail, pattern recognition, and innovative thinking.

  2. Inclusive Society: Embracing neurodiversity fosters a more inclusive society where all individuals feel valued and understood. This inclusivity can lead to more supportive environments in schools, workplaces, and communities.

  3. Enhanced Problem-Solving: Teams that include neurodiverse individuals can benefit from a wider range of perspectives, leading to more comprehensive and effective problem-solving strategies.

Challenges and Misconceptions

Despite the growing acceptance of neurodiversity, there are still challenges and misconceptions that need to be addressed:

  1. Stigma and Stereotypes: Many people with neurological differences still face stigma and stereotypes that can limit their opportunities and affect their self-esteem.

  2. Access to Support: Adequate support and accommodations are crucial for neurodiverse individuals to thrive. This includes accessible education, workplace adjustments, and mental health resources.

  3. Balancing Needs: While celebrating strengths is important, it’s equally essential to acknowledge and address the challenges that some neurodiverse individuals may face, ensuring they receive the necessary support.

Practical Steps to Embrace Neurodiversity

  1. Education and Awareness: Increasing awareness and understanding of neurodiversity through education can help dispel myths and reduce stigma. This can be achieved through training programs, workshops, and inclusive policies.

  2. Inclusive Practices: Implementing inclusive practices in schools and workplaces can create environments where neurodiverse individuals feel valued and supported. This might include flexible learning and working conditions, sensory-friendly spaces, and individualized support plans.

  3. Advocacy and Representation: Supporting neurodiverse advocacy groups and ensuring representation in media and decision-making processes can amplify the voices of neurodiverse individuals and promote systemic change.


Embracing neurodiversity requires a shift in perspective, from viewing neurological differences as deficits to recognizing them as valuable variations in human experience. By fostering a culture of acceptance and inclusion, we can unlock the potential of neurodiverse individuals and create a richer, more innovative, and compassionate society. As we continue to learn and grow, let us celebrate the unique minds that contribute to the tapestry of human diversity.

If you know anyone living in or around Regensburg, ‘please spread the word’, let them know we’re playing cricket in Regensburg!
We have Tryouts for WOMEN |YOUTH| MEN
Are you new to cricket? No problem! We’re starting with tryouts for beginners and would love for you to join us.
Learn, play, and have fun! No experience is needed.

For more information visit their website


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Cricket in Germany: A Blossoming Sport in the Heart of Europe

Cricket, traditionally associated with countries like England, India, South Africa and Australia, is making waves in a rather unexpected locale: Germany.

While soccer reigns supreme as the nation’s favourite sport, cricket is steadily carving out a niche for itself, attracting enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds and significantly growing in popularity over the past decade. 

A Brief History of Cricket in Germany

Cricket in Germany dates back to the 19th century, primarily introduced by British expatriates and military personnel. However, it remained a fringe sport for many years, practiced mostly within expatriate communities and among a small group of locals.
The formation of the Deutscher Cricket Bund (DCB) in 1988 marked a significant milestone, providing a structured framework for the sport’s development and governance in the country.

The Modern Growth Spurt

The recent surge in cricket’s popularity in Germany can be attributed to several factors:

Immigration and Diversity

One of the most critical drivers has been the influx of immigrants from cricket-loving nations, particularly from South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka) and Afghanistan. These communities have brought their passion for the sport with them, establishing clubs and engaging in competitive play, thereby raising the sport’s profile.

Media and Exposure

Increased media coverage and the availability of international cricket broadcasts have also played a role. As more Germans are exposed to cricket through television and the internet, curiosity and interest in the sport have naturally grown.

Structure and Competitions

Germany’s cricket landscape is now vibrant and well-organized, with numerous clubs and regional leagues spread across the country.
The Bundesliga, Germany’s premier cricket competition, features top clubs battling it out for national supremacy. The league system ensures competitive play and provides a clear pathway for players to progress from local clubs to the national team.

Germany has two national cricket teams. The National mens team and the National womens team, affectionately known as the “Golden Eagles”  They are competing in various European tournaments and ICC events, and the teams have steadily improved, showcasing the growing talent pool within the country.

The future of Cricket in Germany

The future of cricket in Germany looks promising. With a growing fan base, increasing participation, and a dedicated governing body, the sport is well-positioned to continue its upward trajectory. As more Germans embrace cricket, the country could eventually become a significant player in the European cricketing landscape.

From our community

Experience Cricket in Germany

 You can join a local cricket club to learn and play the sport, meet new people, and have fun. Cricket is a great way to stay active and be part of a team.

Meet the Clubs

Regensburg Cricket
More clubs
More clubs

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The entire cycling scene in Germany took some getting used to when I arrived here. In South Africa its sort of all kitted out serious

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The beginning of Summer and the longest day of the year will be on 20 June. This is a special day that marks the peak of sunlight and is celebrated by many cultures around the world. In Berlin, the sun will rise at 04:43 and set at 21:33, giving us nearly 17 hours of daylight to enjoy. The long days are perfect to take a stroll in one of the many parks, enjoy a refreshing swim in a nearby lake, or just sit back and relax in a beer garden with your friends.

Germans love to grill and take advantage of the warm weather. You might find yourself invited to German Grillfest, a popular tradition where friends and family gather together to enjoy grilled sausages, vegetables, and even cheese. Just know that a grillfest is nothing like a South African braai 🙂 

Grilling in public

When you do not have braai facilities at home or want to have more space while meeting your friends for a braai, you can use the grills/fireplaces at a

Braai Season

Summer is finally here and it is time to invite friends to kuier around the braai.  But before you light your charcoal, check out the rules and regulations that

It is also time to get your cozzies out as some public swimming facilities (Freibad) will be open.
Other options are to swim at a beach, a baggersee or a lake.
Hiking and riding your bicycle or mountain bike are also very popular activities. Great websites for trails are Outdooractive or Komoot.  Both are available as apps.

Unique weather conditions: 
die Schafskälte – Between June 4th and June 20th (usually on the 11th of June), there is often a cold snap in Central Europe. The cool and humid air flowing in from the northwest causes the temperature to drop. When this happens, the weather changes significantly, which can lead to the first – severe – thunderstorms of the year and put a considerable damper on a good summer lookout.

Folk saying (Bauernregel) Die Siebenschläferregel – “Ist Siebenschläfertag ein Regentag, regnet’s noch sieben Wochen danach” – According to this rule, the weather conditions that occur during the period around 27 June can significantly influence the weather for the rest of summer.

TimeCentral European Time (CET), Summertime – the same time as South Africa until the last Sunday of October, when Wintertime starts (30 October 2022).

The average day temperature is 22 degrees Celsius. The days become longer and there are more hours of sunshine

Plan your month

everything you need to know


The warmer weather and long nights means that the summer Festivals are in full swing.
Cities come alive with street parades, music, markets, food and enough to drink.
Summer solstice will be on the 21st of June. It is still custom in many areas to light bonfires or use fireworks to celebrate.

Events listed on our website

Kearsney College Choir

29/06/2024 – 06/07/2024 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm – The renowned Kearsney College Choir and Rainbow Agency, KwaZulu Natal, have the honour to inform you that former Federal President Professor Dr Horst Köhler is the patron of the choir’s concert tour to Germany from 28 June to 6 July 2024. Professor Dr Köhler will attend a concert of his choice. Kearsney College Choir has […]

Schalk Bezuidenhout keeping up – Berlin 25.09

25/09/2024 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm – Newly married, Schalk feels older, wiser and much more mature (possibly), but all he wants is to stay “hip with the youth”. Can he do it? Can he Keep Up? As seen on Netflix and Comedy Central and fresh from supporting Trevor Noah on his arena tour. This is an external event,  we are not […]

Trevor Noah Tour – Stuttgart

03/08/2024 @ 8:00 pm – 11:45 pm – Trevor Noah Off the Record Tour. The actual time is not published yet, estimated it will be in the evening We are not the organisers of this event it is shared for information purposes only Tickets via the Trevor Noah website – this will take you to the Eventim Website  

Trevor Noah Tour – Berlin 01.08

01/08/2024 @ 8:00 pm – 11:45 pm – Trevor Noah Off the Record Tour. The actual time is not published yet, estimated it will be in the evening We are not the organisers of this event it is shared for information purposes only Tickets via the Trevor Noah website – this will take you to the Eventim Website  

Fokofpolisiekar / Die Heuwels Fantasties 12.07

12/07/2024 @ 7:00 pm – 11:45 pm – After a sold-out show in 2023, Fokofpolisiekar is back. This time they bring their friends from Cape Town, Die Heuwels Fantasties, as support. There is no better live combo showcasing the best of African rock and African alternative music than these two acts. It will be energetic, melodic and full of nostalgia as these two […]

Bok van Blerk & Riaan Benade 17.10

17/10/2024 @ 8:00 pm – 11:45 pm – Welcome, music lovers, to an evening dedicated to the unforgettable sounds of Riaan Benade and Bok van Blerk. From the vast plains of South Africa, these two extraordinary artists come together to enchant us with their unique voices and enchanting melodies. These artists enjoy world fame in their home country, so prepare yourself for an […]


21/07/2024 @ 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm – We hope to create a lekker gathering of South Africans living abroad. Food, music, hot sauce, chilli eating competition, drinks, sunshine, good vibes only. Are you joining us? Tickets just went on sale. Early Bird Tickets here:…/sht-hot-fest-amsterdam… All EB tickets include a 10% voucher that can be used on plus an iconic welcome drink […]

SAiF Summer Braai happening on Saturday, 20 July at 15:00

20/07/2024 @ 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm – ONS GAAN NOU BRAAI !!! Bring your own meat, sides, desserts, and everything you need for the braai (including serving spoons). To use Ganter’s cutlery and crockery, simply pay €2 per set on-site. Please refrain from bringing your own drinks; Ganter has the beverages covered. Anyone who wants to arrange boerewors beforehand can contact Sandra […]

SA in Germany – 2 pot retirement presentation

25/07/2024 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Chad Jouber will do a presentation about the new 2 pot retirement rules in South Africa You will then have time to ask him questions If you have any questions you would like to send so long, please send them to It will be a TEAMS meeting, you do not need Teams to participate […]

12/08/2024 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm – From 22 July to 25 August, international award-winning Cape Town-based comedian, award-nominated radio sports broadcaster and podcaster Dalin Oliver will be performing his one-man show “90 Day Comedian” in Europe. Dalin Oliver is heading to The Wall Comedy Club, Grünberger Straße 84, 10245 Berlin, to make his BERLIN debut on 12 August 2024. Tickets on […]

Some foods and drinks to try



Berries like Strawberries (Erdbeeren), Red currant berries (Johannisbeeren), Blueberries (Blaubeeren) and Cherries (Kirschen) are all in season. 
Make your own Rote Grütze and serve it with Ice cream, Milchreis or pudding. You can find some more recipes here.



With the sun shining so bright and a gentle breeze blowing, it is the perfect weather to gather around with friends and family for a delightful braai.




It is still Spargalsaison until the 24th of June, which means you still have time to enjoy the seasonal asparagus dishes that this time of year brings.  For more inspiration visit our Spargel page

Ice cream

 The best Ice cream you will find at Italian Gelato shops. Do try Spaghetti Eis, a delicious concoction of ice cream shaped like spaghetti noodles, topped with a sweet strawberry sauce that will make your taste buds sing. Trust us, this dessert is not to be missed!


Aperol Spritz

Summer cocktails

Relax and fully immerse yourself in the sunshine by trying out some refreshing cocktails such as an Aperol Spritz, a classic Italian cocktail with a twist of orange zest and soda water, or the Hugo, a delightful blend of elderflower, mint, and Prosecco.

Fruit and Veggies in Season


German Barbecuedas Grillfest
a state or feeling of warmth, friendliness, and good cheer.die Gemütlichkeit 
Man-made quarry filled with water

der Baggersee

Lakeder See
Oceandas Meer
Beachder Strand / der Badestrand
Blueberriesdie Blaubeeren
Raspberriesdie Himbeeren
Elderberriesdie Holunderbeeren
Strawberriesdie Erdbeeren


Summer Holidays

The school summer holidays are during July and August.  Schulferien has an up-to-date school calendar.  Start planning your summer holidays well in advance. Below are some tips and information that might be helpful

Tourist accommodation types

Germany, known for its rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities, offers a diverse range of accommodation options to suit every traveler’s needs. Here’s

Travel ideas within Germany

Germany is a beautiful country with diverse landscapes and many regional specialties.To add your suggestions please submit it via this form Below are some travel

Travel in the Schengen Area

Travel within the Schengen Area “The Schengen Area is a zone comprised of 29 European states which have officially abolished passports and other types of border

Traveling to the UK

If you only have a South African passport, you need a visa to visit the UK, it does not matter if you have Permanent residence

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Swimming in Germany

Swimming options Private swimming pools are not so popular in Germany, but there are good public swimming options available. Public swimming pools / Öffentliche Schimmbäder


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Participating in Sports in Germany

Sports in Germany South Africans are generally a sport-crazy bunch. Not just watching it, but also actively taking part. Participating in sports here in Germany


Most South Africans love being outside the house. This can sometimes feel like a challenge in Germany, but I have learned very quickly that you

Weather in Germany

German Climate Germany’s climate is temperate and marine, with cold, cloudy winters and warm summers and in the south occasional warm föhn wind. The greater