The first time I went to a hairdresser in Germany, she asked if I want her to cut my pony. I told her no, but can she cut my fringe, and again she said ok pony.
It went on like this until I realised a pony is your fringe or bangs and not your ponytail. A ponytail is a Pferdeschwanz. I also walked out with wet hair, as I did not book for a blow-dry, or maybe I just didn’t understand what she was asking and were too afraid of getting a huge bill at the end.
In SA you always pay for a blow wave, but not for a blow-dry, where your hair is just blown dry but not styled. Here you pay for a blow-dry as well, that is why you will see people walking out of the salon with wet hair.
That is unless you do it yourself in the salon, you are allowed to dry your own hair with their equipment.
Some salons even charge you for the basic products they use like shampoo, but they seem to be the cheaper lower end salons where you don’t need an appointment.
The basics
At most salons you need an appointment. You can simply phone and say the following:
Hallo mein Name ist Frau/Herr xxx . Ich möchte gerne einen Termin (Hallo my name is Ms xxx. I would like to make an appointment)
They will then ask you what you want to have done. They might ask for a date and time you have in mind, or simply tell you when the next open appointment is.
They will ask for your contact details
Here is a list of phrases and terms that might come in handy.
You can also download it as a .pdf file
Finding a hairdresser
You can ask for recommendations on Facebook groups. Look for expat groups or people living in your area.
New! In our marketplace, we will list South African Hairdressers working in Germany

Belinda-Ann Wiehart
Belinda is working at the Sandra von Gneisenau Salon in Munich. She speaks English and Afrikaans. Please make an appointment with Belinda-Ann Wiehart at the
Making an appointment
To make an appointment for a ladies’ haircut at a hairdresser in Germany, you can say:
“Guten Tag, ich möchte gerne einen Termin für einen Damenhaarschnitt vereinbaren. Haben Sie einen Termin frei?”
Here’s a breakdown:
Guten Tag – Good day (polite greeting)
Ich möchte gerne einen Termin vereinbaren – I would like to make an appointment
Für einen Damenhaarschnitt – For a ladies’ haircut
Haben Sie einen Termin frei? – Do you have an available appointment?
If you want to specify a date or time, you can add:
für morgen/vormittags/nachmittags (for tomorrow/morning/afternoon)
am [Tag], um [Uhrzeit] (on [day], at [time]) e.g., am Freitag um 14 Uhr (on Friday at 2 PM).
Water in Germany
The hardness of the water depends on the level of chalk in the water. Chalk consist of calcium and magnesium and are not harmful to your health. It can however cause your hair to become frizzy and dry , and dry out your skin. It can also irritate sensitive skin.
There are different grades of hardness of water. Soft, medium and hard water
The hardness of the water can be measured in Grad deutscher Härte (°dH). The scale is between 0 and 21, with 21 being the hardest. has a map to check the hardness of your water.
To counter hard water you can use special shampoos or install a filter on your shower head.
Hair health
Please note: This content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance.
To boost your hair health, include the following in your diet:
- Protein: Hair is primarily made of keratin, a protein. Include lean meats, eggs, beans, and dairy in your diet.
- Iron: Prevents hair thinning. Found in spinach, lentils, and red meat.
- Zinc: Promotes hair growth. Found in nuts, seeds, and shellfish.
- Vitamin D: Important for hair follicle health. Consider fortified foods or supplements if levels are low.
- Biotin: A B-vitamin essential for hair strength. Found in eggs, nuts, and sweet potatoes.
English | German |
Cutting and trimming | |
I would like to have my hair cut | Ich möchte meine Haare schneiden lassen |
Would you like me to wash your hair? | Möchten Sie, dass ich Ihre Haare wasche? |
When did you have your last haircut? | Wann hattest du deinen letzten Haarschnitt? |
How would you like me to cut it? | Wie soll ich dir die Haare schneiden? |
How short do you want me to cut it? | Wie kurz soll ich schneiden? Wie kurz hätten Sie es gern? |
Shave your neck? | Soll ich hinten rasieren? |
I would like to have my hair trimmed | Ich möchte meine Spitzen schneiden lassen ich hätte gern einen Nachschnitt Bitte nur nachschneiden |
I would like to have my hair shoulder length | Ich möchte meine Haare schulterlang haben |
I would like to have layers cut in my hair | Ich möchte meine Haare stufig schneiden lassen |
Can you thin out my hair? | Könnten Sie bitte meine Haare ausdünnen?” |
I would like a new style | ich hätte gern einen neuen Style |
I would like a fringe | ich hätte gern einen Pony |
Not too short | Nicht zu kurz |
Quite short | Ziemlich kurz |
Very short | Sehr kurz |
Completely shaven | Komplett rasiert |
In SA you would have asked for the clipper guard number | In Germany the clipper guards are in millimeters |
Grade one, Nr1=3mm | Stufe eins (Rasur auf 3mm) |
Grade two, Nr2=6mm | Stufe zwei (Rasur auf 6mm) |
Grade three, Nr3=9mm | Stufe drei (Rasur auf 9mm) |
Grade four, Nr4=12mm | Stufe vier (Rasur auf 12mm) |
Square at the back, please | Im Nacken gerade, bitte |
Tapered at the back, please | Im Nacken zulaufend, bitte |
Could you trim my beard, please? | Können Sie mir bitte den Bart nachschneiden? |
Could you trim my moustache, please? | Können Sie mir bitte den Schnurrbart nachschneiden? |
Colouring | |
I would to have my hair coloured | Ich möchte mir die Haare färben lassen |
What colour would you like? | Welche Farbe möchten Sie? |
Which of these colours would you like? | Welche dieser Farben möchten Sie? |
I would like to have my hair dyed blonde. | Ich möchte meine Haare blond färben lassen |
I would like to have my roots dyed. | Ich möchte meinen Ansatz färben lassen |
I would like some highlights | Ich hätte gerne Strähnchen |
Style | |
I would like to have my hair curled | Ich möchte meine Haare lockig |
I would like a perm | ich hätte gern eine Dauerwelle |
Would you like to blow-dry yourself? | Möchten Sie selbst föhnen |
Would you like it blow-dried? | Möchten Sie es geföhnt? |
Do you have a parting? | Haben Sie einen Scheitel? |
Do you like it this way? | Ist es Ihnen recht so? |
Would you like products? | Möchten Sie ein Pflegemittel? |
English | German |
General | |
Hairdresser | der Friseur or die Friseurin |
Appointment | Der Termin |
Hair | Die Hare |
Hairstyle | die Frisur |
Hair Types | |
Straight hair | die glatte Haare |
Curly hair | lockige Haare |
Long hair | lange Haare |
Short hair | kurze Haare |
What do you want to have done? | |
Wash | Waschen |
Cut | Schneiden |
trim the ends | die Spitzen schneiden |
Thinned out | Haare ausdünnen |
Colour | Farben |
Colour roots | Ansatz farben |
Tone | Tönen |
Blow dry | Föhnen |
Updo | die Hochsteckfrisur |
Plait | Flechten |
Fish tail plait | der Fischgrätenzopf |
Perm | die Dauerwelle |
Hi-lights/Streaks | Strähnchen |
Types of cuts | |
in layers | Stufig (Stufen) |
Choppy | Fransig |
Bob | Bob |
Pixie cut | Pixie |
Modern or bold | Frech |
Angular | Schräg |
very short woman’s cut | Bubikopf |
Other | |
Roots | der Ansatz |
Fringe | der Pony |
Sideburns | Die Koteletten |
Parting | der Scheitel |
Middle parting | der Mittelscheitel |
Side parting | der Seitenscheitel |
at the front | Vorne |
at the back | Hinten |
in the neck | am Hals |
at the forehead | an der Stirn |
at the sides | an den Seiten |
behind the ears | hinter die Ohren |
over the ears | über die Ohren |
in the face | ins Gesicht |
Right | Rechts |
Left | Links |
The same length | gleich lang |
Colours | |
Brown | Braun |
Blonde | Blond |
Black | Schwarz |
Red | Rot |
Grey | Grau |
Lighter | Heller |
Darker | Dunkler |
Products | |
Wax | Das Haarwachs |
Gel | Das Haargel |
Hairspray | Das Haarspray |
Shampoo | Das Shampoo / Das Haarwaschmittel |
Conditioner | Die Spülung |
Hair treatment | Die Haarkur / die Haarmaske |
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