This is is a personal experience shared by one of our Facebook members – March 2022
Good morning, I have just completed my degree recognition, let me share for the benefit of us all, and the questions around timelines for this part of the process.
1. On the website, you will find all the links and details:…/recognition-of…/
2. If your degree is not on the Anabin database, then you will need to get it recognized. Here is the process:…/statement-of…/application.html
3. I collected the documents and registered the application online, then the timeline was:
a. Thurs Feb 17 – Online application submitted
b. Fri 18 Feb – Via Postnet, I DHL Express my documents to the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) – cost R450
c. Fri 18 Feb – emailed ZAB and requested that my documents NOT be posted back, due to the unreliable SA post office, and that I will arrange and pay for the courier back
d. Thurs 24 Feb – documents arrived at ZAB,
e. Wed 2 Mar – Received notification of fees, paid the same day
f. Fri 4 Mar – Received acknowledgment of receipt of fees
g. Fri 11 Mar – I sent an email to them, to remind them NOT to post the documents, I will arrange a courier
h. Tues 15 Mar – Received email that Statement of Comparability is ready for collection, with instructions on what to arrange with a courier. (collection times, address, etc.)
i. Same day I received an electronic copy of the statement of comparability (you need the original for Visa application)
ii. Same-day again via Postnet, I arranged DHL Express to courier from ZAB – Cost R990
i. Wed 16 Mar – Had a heart attack when I received an email from ZAB, stating that they posted it.
Shortly followed by another email, stating the courier collected it.

j. Fri 18 Mar – Documents were at Postnet for collection.
Hope this gives some clarity, as the process was stressful for me with all the unknowns on timelines and when who will contact me, or worst case, documents sent into our SA Post Office. 

If you would like us to share your own experience please send it to us via the contact form