Tested by Marchann Hoeksema. Found on Maroela Media. English Recipe can be found here
"Romany Creams"
350 g butter 1 cup caster sugar 2 tbsp. icing sugar 1 egg 4 tbsp. vegetable oil 1 tsp baking powder 2 & ½ cups flour ¾ cup of cocoa powder 1 & ½ cup desiccated coconut
200 g plain chocolate
Preheat the oven to 180˚C.
Place the butter and the sugar in a large bowl and beat together until creamy, then beat in the egg, oil and vanilla essence. Add all the dry ingredients and stir until combined. Work the dough together to form a soft ball.
Place the dough on a floured surface and put a piece of cling wrap or baking paper on top. Roll out to 1 cm thickness and scrape the top of the dough with a fork. Cut shapes with a round cookie cutter and transfer to a greased baking sheet.
Bake for 10-12 minutes. Leave to cool for 5-10 minutes, then transfer to wire racks to cool completely.
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Spread the chocolate over the undersides of half of the biscuits and top with the remaining biscuits.
Klits eier met vanilla Smelt margarien oor baie lae hitte tot net gesmelt, voeg kakao, versiersuiker, geklitste eier by. Verwyder van plaat en gooi krummel beskuitjies by, meng goed Giet in gesmeerde bak, sit in yskas en laat goed koud word Sny in blokkies
For the German version you can try making Kalter Hund
Suurlemoen vla tert
1 pak Tennis beskuitjies
1 blik Kondensmelk
100 ml Suurlemoen sap
500 ml dik vla
Pak n laag tennisbeskuitjies in a glas bak
Gooi al vla oor die beskuitjies en maak gelyk
Pak nog n laag tennis beskuitjies bo oor vla
Meng kondesnmeld en suurlemoensap en gooi dit bo oor die boonste beskuitjie laag
Laat stol en versier met koekiekrummels
Cremora Tert
500g cremora
250 ml kookwater
2 blikke kondensmelk
250 ml suurlemoensap
1 pakkie tennisbeskuitjies
Meng cremora en kookwater.
Laat dit koud word in yskas.
Klits die kondensmelk en suurlemoensap saam.
Voeg cremora mengsel by en klits tot styf.
Pak tennis beskuitjies in bak.
Gooi mengsel oor die tennis beskuitjies en strooi “flake” bo-oor.
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