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Sauna etiquette in Germany

When visiting a sauna in Germany, there are certain cultural norms and etiquette that should be observed. It’s important to note that unlike many other countries, saunas in Germany are typically unisex and require guests to be completely nude. This may seem shocking or uncomfortable to some, but it’s important to respect the local customs and traditions. Many Germans view the sauna as a place of relaxation and rejuvenation for the mind and body.

Electronic Prescriptions (E-Rezept)

Germany has implemented a new system for electronic prescriptions as part of their efforts to modernize their healthcare system. The electronic prescription system, also known as e-prescription, allows doctors to send prescriptions directly to pharmacies through a secure digital platform.

here are some basic phrases and terms to help you on your next general doctor’s visit. 

Making an appointment

A typical conversation to make an appointment will be as follows:

  1. Hallo, my name is Mrs xxx, and I would like to make an appointment with Dr xxx please.  – Hallo, mein Name ist Frau xxx und ich möchte einen Termin vereinbaren
  2. Are you a patient with us – Sind Sie Patient bei uns? 
  3. Yes or No. If No they will ask for your details. They will also ask if you are on public or private medical insurance. 
  4. They will most likely ask what is wrong and whether it is an emergency (Notfall)
  5. They will tell you when the next appointment is available. If it is not an emergency, have a date ready that suits you so you can ask if they can see you then. There are different ways they can say it to you, just listen for the date and time. – an example “der nächste freie Termin ist am 15. Januar um 10:00 Uhr”
  6. You can respond with “das passt, danke” if you are happy with the time and date
  7. If it is an emergency, please refer to our Emergencies page. There are also some emergency phrases you can use

Some common ailments

  • I have injured myself – Ich habe mich verletzt
  • I have an injury on my left arm – Ich habe eine Verletzung am linken Arm
  • I had an accident – Ich hatte einen Unfall
  • I have a headache/fever – Ich habe Kopfschmerzen/Fieber
  • I have a sore throat – Ich habe Halsschmerzen. You can find a good lexicon on Flu here
  • I have a cold- Ich habe eine Erkältung
  • I have pain – Ich habe Schmerzen
  • I am feeling sick – mir ist schlecht

At the Doctor's consulting room

You must report at reception. A typical phrase would be –  Hallo mein Name ist Frau xxx, ich habe um 10 Uhr einen Termin.  
You will most like be asked to wait in the waiting room (das Wartezimmer) – warten Sie bitte im Wartezimmer
You will be called by name when the doctor can see you.

Your consultation

Most doctors can understand basic English so if you really struggle ask if you can describe your symptoms in English.
Have a look at the Terminology pages to help you prepare to describe your body parts in Germany.

If you are referred to a specialist (Facharzt) you will be given a Überweisung.
If you need medicine (Medikamente), you will be given a Rezept which you must take to the Pharmacy (Apotheke).

Sick leave

You do not have to tell your manager or HR department what is wrong with you when you are on sick leave.
You have to let your employer know that you are ill, even if you do not  to the doctor.
If you receive a sicknote, (Krankschreibung/Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung/Gelbe Zettel) you have to submit it to your employer as soon as possible, please also refer to your company’s rules. As of 2023 your doctor will send a digital sick note (elektronischen Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigun or eAU) to your Medical insurance. Your employer will have access to this data. – currently only for public health insurance, private soon to follow.
You can let them know “ich bin krank geschrieben, und werde am 22. Juli wieder im Büro sein”

Tip – Always refer to your employment contract for your company rules and regulations.

“Grundsätzlich gilt gemäß Gesetz, dass bei einer Krankheit, die voraussichtlich länger als drei Tage dauert, eine ärztliche Bescheinigung vorgelegt werden muss, um der Nachweispflicht entsprechend nachzukommen. Diese sollte spätestens am vierten Tag der Krankheit beim Arbeitgeber liegen. Wie Sie dies bewerkstelligen, obliegt Ihnen. In diesem Zusammenhang sind die Kalender- und nicht die Arbeitstage entscheidend.” – Arbeitsrechte

In Germany, you are entitled to 6 weeks of paid sick leave

Disclaimer – The information on this page is based on personal experiences and research, we are not qualified to give any legal advice and we do not accept any form of liability resulting from reading this article.

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Sauna etiquette in Germany

When visiting a sauna in Germany, there are certain cultural norms and etiquette that should be observed. It’s important to note that unlike many other countries, saunas in Germany are typically unisex and require guests to be completely nude. This may seem shocking or uncomfortable to some, but it’s important to respect the local customs and traditions. Many Germans view the sauna as a place of relaxation and rejuvenation for the mind and body.

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Women’s Health

Contraception Contraception is available at pharmacies, but you will need a prescription from your gynaecologist for birth control pills, IUD’s and diaphragms. Emergency contraception is also available at pharmacies and you do not need a prescription for that.Public Insurance (GVK)  does not


Contraception is available at pharmacies, but you will need a prescription from your gynaecologist for birth control pills, IUD’s and diaphragms. 
Emergency contraception is also available at pharmacies and you do not need a prescription for that.
Public Insurance (GVK)  does not cover contraception costs


Public insurance GVK, covers all maternity costs, but some private insurers only offer it as an additional cost, so make sure you know what is covered by your plan.

Maternity Terminology

We created a searchable table to help you look up the German words you might need during and after your pregnancy.

Having a baby in Germany

Thinking of starting or expanding your family in Germany? Luckily the standard of German healthcare is very high and Germany has great maternity and paternity


Public Insurance (GVK) covers annual screenings for cervical cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer. You will usually  need a referral (die Überweisung) from your GP, unless you are over 50, then you will get an invitation letter every 2 years for a Mammogram

Finding a Doctor

Finding a doctor can be a challenge especially if you are looking for an English-speaking doctor.
Specialists in gynaecology and obstetrics are called “Frauenarzte” and “Gynäkologe” and are the central contact persons for gender-specific diseases and other women’s concerns, such as Pregnancy, menstruation, family planning, contraception and preventive care.
The following websites can help in your search


birth control pillsdie Antibabypille
Hormonesdie Hormone
Infertilitydie Unfruchtbarkeit
coildie Spirale
condomdas Kondom
breastsdie Brüste
vaginadie Scheide
Pelvic floorder Beckenboden
uterusdie Gebärmutter
menstruationdie Menstruation
Thyroiddie Schilddrüse
fallopian tubedie Eileiter
pregnancydie Schwangerschaft
eggdas Ei
induced labourdie eingeleitete Geburt
waters brokendie Fruchtblase ist geplatzt
placentadie Plazenta
episiotomyder Dammschnitt
epiduraldie Epiduralanästhesie
cervixder Gebärmutterhals
Mammogramdas Mammogram
Pap SmearPap-Abstrich
Gynaecologistder Gynägeloge
die Gynägelogin
der Frauenarzt
die Frauenarztin
Endocrinologydie Endokrinologie

Resources on the web


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